Monday, April 24, 2006

Smoke (on/and ) the water!

This morning I was awakened by the sounds of sirens and a barking dog, at 5:27 am. I arose quickly to see what was the matter. Nothing next door, not a prowler in sight, could this be Jolley Saint Nick on this spring time day?

I dressed with haste as I was late to meet the morning walk and the good neighbors two. I sniffed the brisk air and the smell of smoke I could smell. The duo soon arrived out of them mist of the darkness with canine in tow, a fire they whispered we must follow up soon! And off we went after the flames as they grew. Oh my, we said what tragedy is due, such an early morning embers would not do!

The media was on the road, in the sky they too flew, darkness still kept a the dread site in clear view. We skipped right on bye, so many fire engines oh my! As we departed for our day back to home we soon flew, but not without thoughts of what if it might do...

Fire Damages House in Sandy

April 24th, 2006 @ 12:00pm

Fire investigators are on the scene of a large house fire in Sandy. At one point flames shot 50 feet into the air.

Witness: "Huge flames going up over the garage and it spread really fast." All the Sandy homeowner could do was watch helplessly as his home went up in flames. The fire engulfed the home, located near 1612 East and 9770 South, and there isn't an area that wasn't damaged.

The investigators are looking for the official cause of the fire. It may have started in some ceramic cooking pots on the back side of the home. The homeowner says he had a barbeque in the back of the house yesterday. He believes that's what started the fire this morning.

Witness: "My daughter heard it. She came running into my room and said the neighbors' home is on fire." Ken Becci, Evacuated Neighbor: "It went from flames that were five to 10 feet, to 50 feet in a minute to two mintues. It's a reality check, just how fast something like that can happen." Melissa Becci, Evacuated Neighbor: "Then I came outside and saw the flames. It just started getting bigger and bigger. It just got scarier."

The man who lives inside the house tried to put the fire out with a garden hose. That obviously didn't work. He got out of the house, called 911, and was not hurt.

Neighbors how had home on both sides of the blaze had to be evacuated from their homes as a precaution.

Around 6:00 am, firefighters were finally able to get a handle on the fire. By sunrise, reality set in. Dep. Fire Chief Mike Veenendaal, Sandy City Fire Dept.: "Appears the fire went up the back of the home. Got into the eves, and up into the attic area."

The flames spread to the garage, where they scorched two vehicles. Portions of the roof caved in. The sides of the home are blackened. A fire truck is still on the scene, ready to go if there are any flare ups. Damage is estimated at less than 100-thousand dollars.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

He scores!

A gorgeous day and just enough time to wash the car, run a few errands, buy a bird, fix the fence, climb on the roof, post a blog, follow the Sabres, file some tax records, ........whew, I'm not done... go for walk, eat some cookies at the Red Cross, update Function Fox, make some Sunday meeting calls, and.... and I didn't think I did much on this 3rd Saturday of April.

Such fun!

This photo is a year old but it does the trick. Oh, I also changed my settings to allow anyone to post a comment.

Here is a new twist!

OAKLAND, California (AP) -- A carpenter who keeps his clothes clean by working in the nude was arrested after a client returned home early and found him building bookcases in the buff.

Percy Honniball, 50, was charged with misdemeanor indecent exposure this week for the October incident.

He told officers he stripped before crawling under the client's house to do electrical work because he didn't want to soil his clothes, police said.

Honniball said Thursday that working in the nude gave him a better range of motion and that a skilled craftsman can work clothing -- and injury -- free.

"In certain situations such as demolitions where you are smashing rock you want to be clothed and protected because this rock can harm you," he said.

Honniball was caught working naked in Berkeley three times in the last six years and put on probation for violating a city ordinance. Honniball said he doesn't plan to do work in his birthday suit again.

Police said he apologized to the startled homeowner, but was fired. The homeowner paid Honniball for the finished work, but deducted $200.

"He kept out that amount to change his locks," Oakland Police Officer Jesse Grant said.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Life goes on!

The internet was down Monday evening or I would have posted an insightful comment or two as the clock ticked, and tocked towards midnight. We lived through it and rejoiced for another year!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Tax wars part deux

The battle continues, with my trusty assisitant sorting the reciepts, we have made more progress. 28 hours to go!

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Finally, after 2 months, completed 24 today. Now maybe my life can be my own. That Jack Bauer, it may have been the longest day of his life, but it was the longest 60 days of mine!

Taxing taxes

Only 56 hours to go, I love this annual excercise in deadline management. Where is the bank statement, how about those mileage logs. So little time and so much fun!