Sunday, June 18, 2006

A Real Special Day

Dadoo enjoyed his favorite day, starting with the greetings of a personal poem authored by Susan and a surprise father’s day present from younger sister Sarah. Here is a rare photo of the youngster sister with her creation including the obligatory "fathers day candle" What it represents is beyond my comprehension, but I appreciated all the same!

My dear parter in parenthood of some 24 years, 9 months arranged a walk in the canyons with a picnic along the raging waters of the wasatch. A lovely day was had by all!

We now await the return of the Cheesehead Elder only 12 days remain, this will make this one memorable day for the Dadoo.

Thanks and much love!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Pixar does it again

Sister Muffin and I caught a showing of Pixar's latest creation "Cars" at the Commons this weekend and it did not disappoint. It was wonderful, 5 popcorns on the Dadoo scale! Easily the picture of the year, that is if animations counted. The voices of Paul Neumann, Bonnie Hunt, John Ratzenberger and some guy by the name of Larry the Cable Guy quickly transform this flik from the computer monitor to the hearts and minds of the viewer.

We viewed the film, well it's no longer film, on the digital screen and the presentation was flawless. The dust from the road, the rubber on the track and the jesters of the cars was perfect. Even though we were on the 3rd row, there is no discernable grain, pixilation or other image imperfection.

Some may be tempted to pass on this one due to the G rating but see this on a digital screen before it's too late, you will not be disappointed.

Radiator Springs here we come!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

the missing piece(s)

After much energy and dedication sister finished the barn puzzle, albeit the missing 4 pieces. Just what became of the missing soldiers? Small little hands looking for treasure? A jealous older Sis not wanting the younger to complete the masterpiece? Or maybe a mysterious puzzle piece burglar with a hunger for the loose barn puzzle pieces? We may never know... But I ask what price will bring the missing home? hmmmm?