I just finished watching the entire Lord of the Rings Trilogy; the last two episodes were extended editions. I had forgotten so much it was almost like wathcing it for the first time. And yes I can tell the difference from Merry/Pippen and Sam/Frodo. Althought I still have a hard time distinguishing between Merry and Pippen.
I have some questions...
Was Gollum/Smeagal a hobbit? I've had some tell me he was and others say he was a "River People"
Why is the area called Middle Earth, it seems to be set above ground?
What's the deal with the Dwarfs, we only get to see one, Gimli in the movie. Are they all dead?
What happens to Frodo, Bilbo and others when they are given a ride on the elf boat to elf heaven? Do they ever return?
Other than the Hobbit, did Tolken ever write more involving these characters?
I have more ??’s however this is a good start. And yes I will read the books, starting with the Hobbit..
You should ask Ben, I hear he's read the book about 7 times. I've read the trilogy once. I think I know some of the answers. Congrats on finally being able to tell the difference between the characters. I've always believed Gollum had once been a hobit. But the power of the ring slowly transformed him over time. I don't really remember about the Dwarfs. Either most of them are dead, or they just don't usually associate with people. The elf boat takes Frodo to heaven. No he doesn't come back. He's dead as far as the world goes. It's like being translated I guess. I suppose I have to read the book again. It's a looong story. No wonder if I missed some facts!
Yep, I would have to refer you the Ben as well. He is the LotR master, however I think mom covered most of it.
Going to the West is like being twinkled. ;)
Ben gave me the answers to your questions. Since he is busy stuyding, I will write this comment on his behalf; it may not be as eloquent, but hopefully all correct as I understand it:
1. Gollum/Smeagal was in fact a hobbit, but like mom said, the ring transformed him into the creature Gollum. It appears he never really was a good hobbit... he was very easily tempted by the ring to kill his brother just to have it.
2. Middle Earth is apparently the name of the continent they are living on. There are other continents in their world. Sauron, as well as the elves came from other continents.
3. The Dwarfs live in the "north" of Middle Earth near Lonely Mountain (this is a big part of The Hobbit). They fight their own battles, separate from the men and elves and others. Apparently in the book, they fight Sauron as well, but on their own, in a separate event. So, no, they are not all dead.
4. Frodo and Bilbo do go to heaven when they go on the boat. So, yes, it means they died and went onto a better place, where they can be at peace.
5. The Hobbit and LOTR are the only books Tolkien wrote about these characters.
I hope that was helpful! Have a nice day!
I was speaking with Aaron and he asked a follow on to #4. Why did Frodo want to leave the shire and get on the boat? Was he forced to leave at that time? Could he have said, Hmmm can I stay around and hang with Sam, Merry and Pippen for a few more years and go for the ride later?
I also recall in the movie that when Frodo was stabbed by the Reifs, it was mentioned that this injury would eventually lead to his death, was that a factor in his going on the boat?
Frodo was dying because of the stab wound. Since the sword had evil magic in it, even the elves couldn't save him. By going on the elves boat, he avoided a more painful death. Also he was going with his best friend Bilbo.
Ben says a version of the following regarding this last question:
Frodo's stab wound from the Nasgul (sp?) was very painful annually (on the anniversary of when he received the wound) and couldn't be recovered from. Also, he had seen too much "darkness" and couldn't recover emotionally from all that he had seen and done as a result of the ring. He couldn't bring himself to move on from the events, so he was given the choice to go on to the next life by elf boat... like being translated... it is unknown whether he would have died anytime soon anyway, but he was given the choice to move on peacefully and felt that this was the most appropriate decision after what he had been through.
Thanks Susan and Ben, I think that about covers it! I'll keep you in mind as I proceed with the reading.
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